
Our latest STOPCAP results presented at ASCO GU 2025

New results from STOPCAP show that better prostate cancer treatments could reach men almost two years sooner than is currently possible.

Which people with metastatic prostate cancer benefit most from upfront docetaxel?

New results from our first STOPCAP M1 individual participant data meta-analysis have been published in The Lancet Oncology and show that adding docetaxel to hormone therapy is more beneficial for some people with advanced prostate cancer than others. 

Once again, we held a STOPCAP M1 Colloborators Meeting to coincide with ESMO.  This year...Paris...

The latest STOPCAP M1 results were presented at American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Meeting in Chicago, by Dr Claire Vale and Dr Susan Halabi   Claire Vale presented results of a meta-analysis of patient data from 2261 men with metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) in 3 trials showed that on average, chemotherapy improved 5-year survival by 11% compare ...